Friday, 25 February 2011

I can cook! Who knew?!

I realized this month my blog has sorely lacked any new updates. This is mostly due to the fact I've not done much apart from staying Ferrol. The weather has also been very gloomy this February...I'd kill a man for some sol action. But the good news to staying indoors is that I've forced myself to become more domestic...and yes, bi-golly I think it's working! Below are some photos of my cooking...I've had a lot of fun in the kitchen these days, especially with all the fresh produce you can find in the local markets. 

French toast and The Princess and the Frog - wonderful combination, I highly recommend it!

I was craving scones one day and couldn't find them anywhere so I decided to make some cranberry ones. Mission accomplished :)

I can't take all the credit for this one, I had the help of my friend Jek when he came to visit. Homemade pesto pizza and rasta pasta mmmmm...

Juevos rancheros with bell pepper, onion, tomato and lots of hot sauce...can't take the Mexican out of this girl

This was a random chicken, garlic bell pepper and rice combination. I was really ecstatic that I was able to make my mom's yummy white rice! 

And minestrone soup. Now I have a story with this one. Until recently I called this offensive minestrone but my opinion has changed...let me explain. Last Tuesday I was craving minestrone soup. Having this newfound confidence in the kitchen I hopped down to the market and bought lots of fresh veggies. One hour and a big pot later I had wonderful fresh soup. Half way through chowing down and watching a movie with my roomie I started to get a little heartburn action. Naturally I took some Pepto to remedy this. Two hours later the toilet and I were best friends. I came down with some serious food poisoning. Fear not, I'm all better now and found out it wasn't my soup. Rumor has it there's a virus going around town...unfortunately I happened to be one of its victims. Hopefully I'm immune now!