Wednesday 6 October 2010


Hello friends! Last time I blogged I mentioned having my Internet being connected the next day...well, still waiting on that, ahahaha. I guess I have to learn that things tend to take a little longer here (kinda missing instant gratification). I'm also sick at the moment :( Hopefully, it will be a one-time thing and I will be used to the climate and schedule here.

I'm still getting accustomed to life in Ferrol. Businesses open from 8:30 am until 2 pm, then  close for siesta (some people nap, most eat). Stores reopen at 5 pm and close at 8:30 pm.

I started work last Friday and the kids are amazing! Today I went to a meeting in Santiago de Compostela (Galicia's capitol) and met several auxiliares like myself. Some I recognized from Facebook, others I met completely anew. This weekend is a 4 day weekend, as this coming Tuesday is Dia de Espana! Ole! If I'm feeling better I'm hoping to go to a festival in Lugo.

Enjoy my pics below and I promise to update you all again soon! XOXO

The lovely welcome sign my niños made :)

They heard I'm from Los Angeles so they made me an Oscar award

All the auxiliares and profesores today at the meeting in Santiago

Victor, the other teacher I will be assisting in Esteiro besides Maria

My buddy Shelly and I (she's from Cali too)

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