Sunday 21 November 2010

I love Spain

I'm incredibly blessed. I want everyone to know that I'm extremely happy in Spain. My roommates and I have all bonded and share many similar qualities as well as struggles. It's nice coming home to them. I've also been incredibly blessed with the group of Spanish friends I've made, they're like a second family and have made me feel at home.

It's incredible discovering a new place that you never once knew existed. A couple months ago I didn't know any of the people I have in my life today and I already I feel so connected with them. My decision to be here has never felt so right. I can't wait to see what other things God has in store for my future.


Below are some random pics I've taken to give you all a glimpse of my life right now.

A protest march outside my building - it was very peaceful but loud

Miguelito and Castro - bromance

Elena, Varetto, Alejandro and I at Corintio (our early evening hang out)

View from my apartment at sunset

If I ever get married I want it to be at that church looking over the ocean

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