Thursday, 28 October 2010

El Otoño

The autumn season in Spain is celebrated differently. Halloween (or Hallobeeb like one pub by my apartment named it hahaha) is celebrated in some bars and discotecas but otherwise people don't really dress up. Instead people celebrate Samhain. 

Samhain is an old Gaelic tradition in which people celebrate the harvest season and summers end.  The Gaels believed that the border between this world and the otherworld became thin on Samhain; because some animals and plants were dying, it thus allowed the dead to reach back through the veil that separated them from the living.

At my school the kids celebrated the harvest by picking the kernels off corn husks and gathering the corn leaves. With the leaves and the cob they made little figurines and bracelets. 

Making corn husk bracelets

Some of the elderly came to teach the kids about the harvest time when they were younger. They explained that they use to save the corn husk leaves and use them as filling for their mattresses. Surprisingly, they made for a comfy bed.

In art class the 5th graders were assigned to take photos that represented el otoño (autumn)

One of the kids that Laura works with gave her this pumpkin. And yes that's a cigarette with smoke on the end. Oh Spain...enough said.

Saturday, 16 October 2010


Plaza de Armas

Several buildings in Ferrol have either been gorgeously refurbished or are in ruins, barely reflecting their original glory days

View from Castillo San Felipe

Castillo San Felipe entrance

San Felipe's twin castle across the bay

Laura C (my roomie is Laura B) called this a escalera de caracol. Translation: snail staircase.

Our cheesy album cover photo

Laura and Castro (our landlords)

One of Ferrol's beautiful beaches

Thursday, 14 October 2010

My Apartment!

After a couple weeks I'm finally feeling more settled. Still missing a couple things in my room like a desk lamp but slowly and surely everything is coming together. Below are a few pictures to give you an idea of my awesome apartment.

The desk in my room with my turquoise cactus plant :)

My comfy bed (every bed in Spain is teeny tiny, so I'm blessed with a bit more of a spacious bed)

The view from my window

Aroma Cafe is to the left with the patio cover (thought you'd enjoy that JP) 

My lil' closet

The hall to the left of my room, the front door is the one on the far right, guest room on far left

Our guest room/office

The hallway straight ahead of my room, the right doors lead to our living room

Our lovely living room with comfy leather couches

Our dining table (our landlords left full glassware in the cabinets)

The view from our living room

The bathroom I share with Laura - yes that's a bidet hahaha

Our kitchen

The quad where everyone hangs their clothes to dry (no dryers in Spain)

Laura's artsy room

Callie's spacious room

The end. Hope y'all can visit sometime :)