Sunday, 3 October 2010


Where to begin...well, I'm currently sitting in a cafe directly across from my apartment building (our internet is getting connected tomorrow). It's very crowded because everything is closed on Sunday's except apparently Aroma Cafe. And of course the fact Real Madrid is playing Deportivo could also be a contributing factor.

I finally moved into my apartment Friday. On Saturday my roommates and I decided to go to the grocery store and "el chino" for some much needed essentials. Now, I must explain, el chino is a Chinese owned store that you can pretty much find on every corner. They specialize in selling every knick knack imaginable at a very cheap price. In short - they're the Big Lots of Spain. So the roomies and I decided to walk (2 miles) to the biggest mall in Ferrol called, Odeón and visit the big el chino store. Of course, we went crazy and bought lots of goodies. This left us with the problem of carrying it all back. Let me tell ya, with Ferrol's high winds this was no easy feat but nonetheless we made it back unscathed if not a bit buffer ;)

Later on that night, our landlady Laura and her boyfriend David (pronounced Dah-vi) took us out and introduced us to their friends. Let me preface by mentioning Laura and David are in their late 20's and are the BEST landlords a person can ask for. Anyways, David picked us up around 11:30 pm and we met up with Laura and several of their friends that were finishing dinner. Apparently in Spain it's customary to dine very late. From this point we proceeded to bar hop. Instead of things progressively winding down places just got more and more crowded. This was a pleasant surprise of course because Ferrol is a very small town so it was nice to see many people my age. Unfortunately my roommates and I were very tired after the week we had so we left early (3:30 am). This is of course very early for our new lively company but they understood and made us promise we'll stay out later next time. 

All in all, my experience in Ferrol has been a pleasant culture shock con mucho vida. Looking forward to what's in store these next 9 months. 

My landlady and new friend, Laura

David, Callie and I

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