Wednesday, 18 May 2011

I'm going dark

My Internet is being shut tomorrow because I move out of Ferrol next week! I know I've said this like 50 million times but I still can't believe my time here is pretty much up. Big bummer...but at least I have the month of June to look forward to! I can't wait to see JP, Erika and Stacey who are coming from home to travel with me.

For those of you who are curious, we bought some train passes and my adventure begins in Scotland next week then goes as follows:

June 1st-6th = Scotland
June 6th - 8th = Amsterdam
June 8th -11th = Berlin
June 11th -13th = Prague
June 13th -14th = Vienna
June 14th- 16th = Slovenia or Croatia
June 16th -21st= Italy (Venice, Florence, Positano, Roma)
June 21st - 25th = Spain (Ibiza, Seville, Madrid)
June 25th - June 30th = Scotland
June 30th = Back in LA!!

I'll try to email as much as I can. It should be easier once I get to Jek's place in Scotand.

Ata loguiño!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi... I just found your blog after I found out that I'll be spending the year in Ferrol. I was wondering if you wouldn't mind letting me pick your brain sometime. I would like to ask you a few questions about the things that are too boring for your blog. You can find me on Facebook and send me message if you don't mind...
