Tuesday 14 December 2010

Brussels and Bruges: Christmas in full swing!

I was pleasantly surprised with Brussels. It's a fairly large, bustling city with tons of shops and markets. The Christmas markets were especially fanciful with they're icicle clad bungalows, chocolate, candy, knick knacks, bratwursts and festive music. Of course, aside from the Christmas markets it was great to visit the European Union and NATO's capital. 

On Saturday Callie, Walker and I decided to stop in Bruges. Bruges was much smaller than Brussels and had more of a medieval feel. Overall, I'm super stoked I got to experience Belgium during the Christmas season! 

A courtyard near the Sleep Well Hostel we stayed at

Beenhouwerstraat / Rue Des Bouhers: aka A Million Tourists street. This brightly lit street is filled with restaurants where all the waiters try to seduce you to eat at their restaurant.  

Manneken Pis' sister, Jeanneke Pis. This statue was invented by a restaurant owner to attract more tourists to this tiny street, but now the restaurant is closed and she continues to attract tourists while poppin a squat.

Place St. Catherine

Random architecture that I had to photograph - pictures don't do Brussels justice. 

Walker and I

Place du Jeu de Balle Vossen Plein flea market...which turned out to be tarps with tons of junk on top. Although I can't complain because I did find a cute necklace here for 3 Euros!

Palace of Justice

View of city from the Palace's bridge


Brussels architecture is filled with old cobble stone and brick 

Couden Berg Kouden Berg

Royal Palace

Callie and I

Strike a pose 

One of several Christmas markets in town

Walker and Callie posing in front of a chocolate shop

The token peace sign picture - thought it was appropriate to do it on the tourist street

This restaurant was completely decked out for Christmas

Hahaha! Old man completely blocked Callie in this pic (notice the ghostie on the right)


Christmas wine

Giant nutella

This was the main Christmas market in town

Street musicians

Grand Place Grote Markt

Nativity scene

Colorful chocolate Manneken's

50 Cent got his inspiration here

At night the Grand Place has an incredible light show on the elegant 15th century town hall

The world famous Manneken Pis fountain

On our way to Bruges!

Where's baby Jesus??

Bruges nerve center and historic Markt

Christmas markets in the Markt center

Basiliek van het Bloed - this place claims to house a few coagulated drops of Christ's blood

Inside the Basiliek van het Bloed

This priest stands guard over the cherished blood where people can walk up and rub the vile containing the blood

Bruges is filled with many cannels

Michelangelo's Madonna and Child inside the Onze Lieve Vrouwekerk. This small marble statue (1504) was the only work of art by Michelangelo to leave Italy during his lifetime. 

Since we were in Belgium we had to go on a beer tour :)

During the tour we learned how the beer is fermented and made

View of Bruges from the rooftop of the old beer factory

Down in the stairwell

Huge beer vats - back in the day midgets were hired to climb in these and clean them. They had to be very careful because these vats had dangerously low levels of oxygen in them. 

Well that ends my Belgium trip. On to the next adventure!!

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