Thursday 30 September 2010

Last day in London

My last day in London was jam packed. In the morning I went to the British Museum. I heard it was huge and would probably take a day to see but I wanted to at least see and hours worth. Unfortunately, I got lost and that hour shrunk to 15 minutes...hahaha! Fortunately, I did get to see the Rosetta Stone:) The British Museum will definitely be something I want to revisit on my next London trip (oh yes, there will be a next). 

Directly after the British Museum I booked it to Buckingham Palace and saw the changing of the guards. There were easily a thousand people there to witness it. Although the changing of the guards is a daily occurrence, there's something about this awe inspiring, age old tradition. 

Later on I enjoyed a Sunday roast with my friend Ethan and saw the opera, The Makropulos Case at the London Coliseum. 

Overall, it was a wonderful trip and I can't wait to come back!

British Museum

Rosetta Stone

Buckingham Palace

London Coliseum

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