Saturday 25 September 2010

London Day 1

Leaving LA was not easy, but it was exciting. Luckily with the help of great family and friends I made it on the plane (snacks included). 

I was fortunate enough to sit next to a nice guy my age from Calabasas, CA (I can't remember his name - def need to work on that). Together, we made it through customs unscathed, collected our luggage (he had more than me hahaha) and we made it on the Picadilly line headed for Central London. 

Upon arriving at Kings Cross St. Pancras station, I rollered myself out of the bowels of London and moved onward towards my hotel, The Alhambra (not that Alhambra). Once in my room I was able to breath, and take in the fact I'm 5,437.37 miles away from home. Crazzzyyy! 

Of course at this point a sensible person would have unpacked and caught some much needed zz's. Not I! I went straight to a pub around the corner called O'Niels and ordered a beer. I didn't know this at the time, but apparently no one tips in England - hence the shocked and joyous look on my Bartender's face.  While at O'Niels I made friends with a fun, rowdy group of people who immediately welcomed me in. 

Ahh let the games begin...

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